What to Say When Your Significant Other Says "No" to a WWOO Kitchen

So, your significant other raised an eyebrow at the price tag of a WWOO kitchen? Don't worry; I've got you covered with all the info you need for that conversation. ๐Ÿ˜‰

First things first, let's talk about the design. Yes, it's minimalistic and concrete, which might be a departure from what you're used to. But here's the beauty of it: the design is intentionally created for easy cleaning. You can literally take a hose to it and let the sun do the rest. No more worrying about mildew, debris, or hidden surprises lurking in cabinets and drawers like in a typical outdoor kitchen. After enough time, youโ€™re  either too scared or too grossed out to reach back there to clean it out, so you end up only using the countertops (which is exactly what WWOO is) or you stop using the kitchen altogether. With WWOO, it's all about simplicity and functionality, making cleaning a breeze and ensuring you actually use your outdoor space to its fullest.

It's true that WWOO kitchens come with an upfront investment, but think of it as a long-term investment in quality and style. Unlike prefab or masonry kitchens that might need replacing every 5 or 10 years, WWOO's durable design means you won't be shelling out for a new kitchen down the road. You're essentially paying the price of 2 or 3 prefab kitchens over 20 or so years, but just once.

Speaking of those prefab kitchens, let's be realโ€”they're bulky eyesores that can disrupt the flow of your outdoor space and often don't age well. WWOO, on the other hand, seamlessly blends into your outdoor environment and maintains its charm over time.

So, next time the "no" comes up, arm yourself with these points and let's turn that "no" into an enthusiastic "yes" for a WWOO kitchen that you'll love for years to come.


10 Reasons You Need a WWOO Kitchen


A Journey Through the History of Cooking Outside